Thursday, January 8, 2015

Warrior Legend Chapter 1 -Unknown Travelers- (Part 4)

(This manga must be Read Backwards, just like the Japanese types)

This is the final part of this Chapter 1

Read whole CHAPTER 1 here, including this part.

There is a limitation to how long they are allowed to stay outside Augo after a attack. Ozias likes to push that to the limit to always get a extra glimpse of whats out there.
As he return to the northern gate something seems to happen!

Copyright Ⓒ Warrior Legend and all it works are a trademark of Rising Design Works . 2014, 2018 All rights reserved.


  1. Åååååh! Var klar over at du var kreativ, men det her er over forventningene. Keep it up 👍😊

  2. Nice bro! Jeg tror det er The Sand People som kommer for å hente sine drones, :P
