Friday, February 26, 2016

Warrior Legend Chapter III -The Antagonist (Part 3) Complete

(*This manga must be Read Backwards, just like the Japanese types)

If you haven't read:
Warrior Legend Chapter III -Stay True To Yourself- (Part 1)

Warrior Legend Chapter III -Eyes With Anger And Fear- (Part 2)


-The Antagonist-
The battle between Vista and Augo has suddenly taken another turn then both sides had expected. After several huge explosions, some kind of disaster has occurred and caused much of the southern part of the Rural island to break apart also causing a lot of earthquakes throughout fields. The explosions was to be seen all the way from to Augo city. 
 Vista had thoughts that Augo was behind a kind of a setup for this situation during the battle. Now no ones have any idea of whats going on, and Vista is sure Augo is not behind it,
 but something much more unknown. For Ozias and Enoch's case, they have been bothered by the effected of their own attributes and Ozias painful breakdown. 
What can be the cause of this problems?

Copyright Ⓒ Warrior Legend and all it works are a trademark of Rising Design Works . 2014, 2018 All rights reserved.

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